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  • Editor's Choice: Matt Elmore

    Featured Editor's Choice for February 2025 "SHOP LOCAL" I chewed the fat with a farmer the other day At a tiny roadside market around the way Torrents of tomatoes attracted my eye Dreams of salads I just couldn't pass by Carrots and cucumbers, look at that corn! Peaches and cream kernels, sweetly adorned Asparagus, broccoli, plenty of greens More find fruit on a table than I'd ever seen While there in the sun, that old boy sat Bib overalls and holy straw hat No stranger to rays, or bright sunny skies A man of the soul, with dark, earthy eyes Hadn't sold much, though his prices were low Much lower than there at the corporate store Where fruit and veggies came off a truck From miles away, most tasting like yuck Chemically treated and flavored so bland Treated when needed, then set on a stand I pulled a bagful of his toil made healthy His thankful smile more happy than wealthy That shy shaman farmer said it quite best "Shop local son, if you want good and fresh!" © Matt Elmore U.S.

  • Editor's Choice: Peter Davies

    Featured Editor's Choice for February 2025 THE EMPTY SCREAM Cooling is the night air against my skin. But there is a power in silence left to sing Flowers they close long before the moon And shadows hide their faces all too soon. The sounds of man fall far from the earth Weary eyes close for all they are worth; A wood nymph's tear shed upon the grass Spirits walking by and soon all must pass. Poor as a church mouse quiet as the grave My hands are empty without a soul to save; Fluttering of silk wings soft against my heart One moment in a million forever will depart. Gentle is the memory pouring from a dream On my midnight breath is the empty scream. © Peter Davies U K

  • Editor's Choice: Somdatta Mitra

    Featured Editor's Choice for February 2025 SHE EFFACED AN EFFULGENCE With a chortle the benison of her benign touch, Seemed to affect me Loudly the cheerfulness invaded my heart As a dilettante I was exploring the possibility, Of the soulful journey of peace and spiritual amalgamation. Jeering the unknown aspect of darkness, She couldn't be conscientious to understand me. The advent of her favorable presence in my life, Augmented to a blind faith and devotion. A realization to value that presence or care Never really connected to the heartstrings Over these years that we grew up together, The fondness seeking to share the joys altogether. Perhaps left a void in each other's understanding To stand tall like a pyramid to guard the storms Deliberate impulse to talk to her over the phone Perhaps effaced an effulgence. © Somdatta Mitra India

  • Editor's Choice: Eric Aguilar

    Featured Editor's Choice for February 2025 SO IS TOMORROW SOUGHT Is it in this day and time where the sunsets on oceans of ambition lost? And, of today so is tomorrow sought. Where the sudden storms raise vigil; Wakening the sleep before the wax of last wick By the snares of wind goes the soil, For the seeds of fruit sheath with no destination and the ravens take treasure to bury amongst the weeds of vanquished wings. And, of today so is tomorrow sought As clay sticks to bone, so is the lots of dreams By the feets, soul does it stand in light Yet, by the hands palm does the flesh cast shadow. Nor rest, by the chase of times measure is there any moment to solemnly savor. In troubles of today so is tomorrow sought and by plot of land do birds fly. And so, the trees roots reach into darkness before as much as it blossoms into light. And, of today so is tomorrow sought. © Eric Aguilar U.S.

  • Editor's Choice: Gloria Magallanes-Loeb

    Featured Editor's Choice for February 2025 SILENCED AGAINST OUR WILL Why be insensitive to those who are poor yet intelligent? Share their thoughts, stories and views to inspire Be a leader not a follower not to condemn others of their race Why be prejudice to those who were born with a fertile mind? We live on the same planet earth, wreaking havoc fighting among ourselves Covering up the truth let the government control what to teach the next generation Why let such stupidity govern our country and society to be overruled? We can't move forward If we don't have any freedom of speech Be locked behind bars in jail because our justice system failed us What kind of life do we want to have now and years to come? Be scared, intimidated, chained without any warning or reason going insane. A dangerous predicament to foretell ahead what may happen Because we are silenced against our own will. © Gloria Magallanes-Loeb U.S. Gloria Magallanes-Loeb is an author and poet. She has lived in San Francisco (USA), for over 30+years. She is married and has one grown son. Her married name is pronounced like (lobe). She studied Bachelor of Commerce and majored in Business Management. Gloria started writing in grade school but it was in high school, her poems were published in the school paper, Tolentine Star. She is a member of various international poetry groups. Along with her published book, 'NATURE: The Moon, The Sun, Flowers and Feelings', published by McKinley Publishing Hub (MPH), she is also a contributor of 14 book anthologies, 'Saving One Poem at a Time', 'ColoveOration', 'Rainbows and Daydreams', 'The Art of Poetry', 'The 5th World Book of Gogyoshi', to name a few. She is also a Lifetime Achievement awardee given by the founder of GWWC and the Poetic Gold Flame Ink Society. Gloria participated in an Open Mic with other poets, reciting poems live through Zoom by Annette Tarpley, Founder of Passion of Poetry (POP Facebook group).

  • Editor's Choice: Kristy Raines

    Featured Editor's Choice for February 2025 "TALK TO ME ABOUT..." Talk to me about hope because I see too many without it. Talk to me about emotional pain because it has taken the place of joy. Talk to me about hate because it has become too easy to spew. Talk to me about our children because what they are learning is unhealthy. Talk to me about war because the innocent suffer the most. Talk to me about truth because I have heard so many lies. Talk to me about change because without it, we cannot evolve. Talk to me about life because we are seeing too much death. Talk to me about loving one another... because it is the one thing that can change all of those other things I want to talk about. Kristy Ann Raines was born Kristy Ann Rasmussen, in Oakland, California, in the United States of America. She is an accomplished, international poet and writer. She has two self-published books on Amazon titled, "The Passion Within Me" and an anthology of epistolary poems, written with a prominent poet from India, Dr. Prasana Kumar Dalai, titled, "I Cross My Heart From East to West." She has one children's book coming out soon, titled, "Tishya the Dragon" and a few other children's stories to follow. Kirsty is also working on finishing two very special fantasy books that have been in the works for a few years, titled, "Rings, Things and Butterfly Wings" as well as "Princess and the Lion." Kristy is writing her autobiography titled, "My Very Anomalous Life", about the many transformations she has gone through. She reveals every interesting and sometimes tragic aspects of her life, her failures, victories, tears, joys, losses, heartbreaks, and how she changed by the Grace of God, a loving family and two wonderful children. Kristy has received many awards for her unique writing style and also for her work as an activist and a humanitarian, globally. Kristy also enjoys painting, making pottery, writing song lyrics and being with her family. She is married, has an older brother and sister, two wonderful children and is a proud grandmother of 3 beautiful granddaughters with one great grandchild on the way!


    We highlight on ILA, the pen of a prolific bard and his poem, "Perceptions Beyond Derelictions" as our January 2025 Editor's Choice. PERCEPTIONS BEYOND DERELICTIONS Iced weight weighs on branches of freeze as arms stretch open to birds in the trees following impulses to do as they please priorities rest on choices made best on decisions made with reasonable precision. Clouds black out beauties rolling up on high in bleak weary windows of widowed shadows color low lonesome ugly marrows of tomorrow baste tasteless raw bone broths of sorrow as cold shivers deliver unfrozen emotive slack to slip defenses of home through hidden cracks. Windy white outs of winter obfuscate brains as shady gray slogs hint at images out of fogs made plain these outlines of mistakes remain textured in fabrics not up to the task distilling icy chills from another silent still kill ever aware of being prepared for journeys end exposed to frozen elements, about every bend. Snow globe of mistakes flaunt now white flakes wholesomely hearty with starry obstruction over chalked blackboard smear of emotions imbuing kaleidoscope hopes infused with hues suggesting progressions of thin prism truths transcending perceptions beyond derelictions. Illuminating space mocking the colorless trace of elevating tastes gracing such sensual touch setting sights on nights of sweet favored flights multiplying bright dimensions of rainbows hush no longer snow blind to such misdirected slush. © MATT ELMORE U.S.A. © Winter photo taken above by Matt Elmore

  • Ekphrastic Aubades

    Featuring the work of nine poets "MORNING'S QUIET RETURN" The night, a hand long folded in prayer, loosens its fingers, lets go of the dark. What remains is the hush before becoming, the sky unfastening its veils of ink. A bird, astonished, lifts its song - not knowing if it mourns or welcomes. Somewhere, light gathers in slow procession, hesitating at the threshold of the earth. You are not here, yet the air is filled with you, your name written in the breath of the wind. I place my hands upon the fading night, feeling its weight, its quiet surrender. Nothing leaves without a trace of longing - even the stars have softened in farewell. What is morning but the body of absence, rising with the certainty of return? Light unspools in threads of gold and dust, weaving through the branches, the fields, my hands. And I, still part of the vanishing dark, stand within the dawn, listening for you. © CONCETTA PIPIA US "HAUNTING NIGHT OF A DREAMY DAWN" Graceful and delicate rays from fainting shade touched my dainty emotion with a soft kiss on my smile! Impassioned moments came! Day illuminated due to your hug, candle of your presence shining bright Wax will shed its tears down, sorrowfully, until we light next week! Even the glow became invisible. Desperately robbing each other's hearts With lots of expectations and dreams! Let's not dissolve the precious hours by our past grievances and mistakes Only our feelings will lustre the day. Luminosity for each other's emotions isn't satisfied as gloomy air is entering! Darkness has come with a sharp edge to cut our meet into pieces, cruelly! Heart bleeds painfully as you walk away! © SONAL RAO India "SANDUNES" Sand dunes blown by the wind Time passes through the eye of the thread Scorching heat keeps burning on my head Heaps of wounded scores of the undead Sand dunes, sand dunes kisses the dawn In the middleland where I have grown Early prayer echoes every morn Until it's dusk, it's always shown Sand dunes, sand dunes painted with red Tons of bombs rained over my head Sand dunes, sand dunes hurry up There's a tempest brewing in my teacup Drenched by the blood of those who care Giving up is the last thing I can't dare Sand dunes, sand dunes where is your song Buried in desert sands all day long Is death where should I belong? Oh, sand dunes funneled in the bong. FLOYD GALE CABUS Philippines "THE SULKING EMBERS OF LOVE" The jealous sun is at its game again Stealing the night, and leaving the lovebirds Exposed to the vagaries of the dawn, Winking with vicarious pleasure in the eastern sky. The riverbank is slowly flooded with people The waters, which sparkled like silver flakes under the moon, Has taken on a golden hue And the moist sand, held onto the feet of the young lovers. Fear made her feet unsteady, and she nearly dragged herself On the dew drenched grass, wetting her dyed-red feet. She didn't have time to bid a proper goodbye to her beau, And looked back, furtively, at his receding silhouette in the morning haze. The spell has splintered, she covers her face, and speeds up her stride The anklet bells jingle in sympathy, as if empathizing with her fate. The curious gaze of people, she ignores in haste. The night has melted, but the embers in her heart are still sulking. © KALUCHARAN SAHU India ** "HEALING SLEEP" I'm sailing, floating in delta waves Drifting off to a surreal place The midnight hours seduce and paves The way to where my memory plays Games with my illusions while awake My weary soul bathes in a healing sleep Wallowing in a restorative cruise Tightly holding on to night's embrace Venus glowers as aurora sneaks Bering an orchestra of jazzy beats My snug niche delightfully shatters Under the birds' cheerful chatters Whirlpools create a chasm on my cheeks Hearing the rustling leaves' merry gossips A fire ignites deep within my heart My recharged spirit it kicks start It's now easy to say goodbye To restful night, and hail the sunrise As blossoms of hope colour the skies. © MYRTLE REYES EVE TEJADA Philippines My wanderlust mind explores dark skies On a vesper walk gazing up high Feeling the zephyr of earth's dew My nocturnal being widely aware To enjoy the serenity to compare Whilst still in its quiet slumber Bemused the late nights wonder Soon dawn arrives near the hills A light glow peeps behind a mill Not yet seeking the warmth of daylight Its beauty outshines only during twilight I bade adieu to the dawn at night As the universe welcomes morning light Pigeons cooing loudly as the sun rise Birds, fowl and creatures awaken with cries. © GLORIA MAGALLANES-LOEB US "AUBADE TO MONA LISA" The dawn, A fracture on the wall The canvas, cracked and old, Portray a chipped Mona Lisa Of weathered faith, and beauty's slow decline. Her gaze, once bright, Now softly seems to shine, A fading light that mirrors in My heart The gentle sorrow, Of the impending part Of slumber's peace. The colors softly shift, From shadowed grey to gold, A sunbeam's gift That spills across the canvas, The painted face, a hint of afterglow And as the light climbs higher, I arise, To greet the day, reflected in her eyes. © SHEILA ANN PACKIRNATHAN Malaysia "I'LL BE BACK SOON!" The night gave us so much adrenaline And then, it sneaked out of the sight Like a thief that gets out quickly from a house Being afraid to be caught in the act. The dawn came, like a cold shower that wakes up Shaking up all the loving agony of our bodies. Duty calls, a phone call is echoing in the bedroom A message text for a taxi, at such a rush hour I'll be back soon, keep our love between the sheets! © BOGDANA GAGEANU Romania "SUNRISE" Every day, without fail, the sun rises It shines its intangible rays, like fingers Caressing your skin, body and limbs. Everyone of them ends in special memories, As each day brings in new events. Sometimes, those are sad and lonely, Others are depressing and gravely Affect your humor and oddities. They can take you into a dark abyss Of despair, and return with cheers, Inspire you to believe in one more sunrise, That lifts you above the murky fogs, Into clouds, of such pristine whites That their glare overpowers, While your fogged windows, from your breaths Show your anticipation forwards To one more unbelievable sunrise, That becomes your muse for life's Unending wonder, transience and colors. Rainbows of which come out after the rains, Reminding those bogged down to rise Rise to the challenge of beauty and lived lives. © MALAK KALMONI CHEHAB Canada

  • A Medley of Art and Poem

    Featuring the work of Romanian artist/poet, Bogdana Gageanu Pyrography of "Hands" by Bogdana Gageanu (Pyrography is a form of art, also known as wood burning) MEN TEARS Not only women and children can cry Men also can shed tears. The difference is that they try to hid them Being the head of a family. They don't want to scare others with their fears And they want to offer protection under their arms. They show a powerful shield under Small pieces of heart start to become more sensitive.

  • "Hearts with a Twist"

    Featuring three poets, three twists and three very different poems. (Twist: "Card as Character" - personify a greeting card, giving it with its own thoughts and feelings in response to the poetic message that the card holds.) "OUTSIDE THE CARD" On this sweet day of love and cheer, I send you my heart, so true and dear. A token bright, a love divine, Forever yours - be mine, be mine! "INSIDE THE CARD" You hold me close, then toss me wide, A fleeting spark, then set me aside. My words profess a love so deep, Yet soon in drawers, I'm left to sleep. Once crisp and proud, I stood so tall, Now bent and folded, near the wall. If I could blush, I surely would - A card in love? That can't be good. But here I am, you silent scribe, Watching love fade, as papers pile. Will you recall this verse so fine, Or will I yellow over time? No kisses land upon my face, No fingers trace my ink with grace. Ah, such is love! It sings, then stills - A card remains, but love soon chills. © Concetta Pipia US (Twist: "Dialogue Format" - second half of poem as an imagined response from the recipient) "WHERE HEARTS MEET" I waded into the pristine waters of your heart And felt the vibrations that aroused me From my stupor; I was immersed and felt The swirling music that wafted over me, As if from a choir, lifting my spirits. When I raised my head, the world had changed: I wished I had drowned, never to rise again. (Dialogue Format): I'm a wild, meandering aimlessly in the woods I love the trees, the birds and the clouds, whose company I love to keep You fell in my arms, and I embraced you, felt you in my heart. It spread like lightning in my veins I cried in pleasure, at your sudden intrusion. I ran wild, like an untethered stag I loved the way you sponged away my feelings. But you couldn't fathom me, or my feelings, and left me to flow, free. I'm still waiting for you, come, swim and fathom me. There will be no escape, now! © Kalucharan Sahu India (Twist: "Synesthesia" - Describe love or emotion using a blending of 2 or more senses together with the objects of the poem) "ROUGH" How can I make it through the rain? Jagged little thorns brush so much pain Sitting by the sea hidden from above This restless heart flutters like a dove I still can't find my resting place If love would be my only solace Half alive I'm dragging my feet Giving it up only for my soul to keep. (Synesthesia) Oh, how can that be? Haven't heard about it in many yesterday Trapped in this wooden heart I say I'm buried in the past for all eternity I heard the echo of our last lullaby Love from the heart that has gone by Only found comfort every night when I cry Longing for ultimate freedom and to fly Why think of love as soft and gentle Like delicate flowers and clouds so nimble Just come with your untamed edges All you pain and battle that rages Let's dance deep into the burning fire Who we are only is what we desire If love can heal only when it's pure Would I just say that it should alway endure? Just cross the line that separates you from me I'm just here waiting forever and a day. © Floyd Gale Cabus Philippines

  • January 2025 Editor's Choice: TIME

    TIME How absolute in your power Dear time, you are a great leveler You keep all under your power An absolute concept that transcends forever. Who or what dares to hinder your flow? As magnanimous as the power of sky. Yet hidden from any kind of eye The passing of steady moments of life. No one dares define the truth As you have no form, no tangible device Yet, the truth that permeates you and I Time is the master, we must abide. The beginning nor the end is just a lie Made up of myopic, sinister theoretical mind. All people in their different life stories A grand masterpiece that goes beyond history. The world may crumble, systems may falter But not dear time as it was indestructible Such the power of the pristine flow No mind can ever comprehend, no one needs to know. How enigmatic your perfect ebb and flow The stream of human existence come and go Just like the cosmic absolute concept of God The alpha and omega, the perfect dogma. But I, I dare to be a rebel with time Live my life to the fullest before I finally die. Lift up to heavens all my woes and cries. Shorten my agony, extend my happiness May my life be lived blissfully, willfully divine. © Mildred Par Philippines

  • Editor's Choice: "A Perfect Pair"

    Coffee and a book is the best comfort zone of traveling far and wide with the letters and words. It's like a feeling of peace engulfing you when the wind chimes perform a gentle dance. It's like getting to know the nooks and corners of a beautiful picturesque with lands unknown and people you never met yet they reside in the pages captivating your mind and soul. © PRIYALAKSHMI GOGOI India

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