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"BELOVED RAIN" Today, you are pouring on my heart
I remain alone, but then you arrived and behaved like a soul part
I'm in love with you since the day
When you washed my sorrows and I had no words to say.
You are the beauty of all beauties which rebirth the wonders
I never move to any trees under
Come what may, we love each other,
Thus no need to look for another
I can't hide my emotions as my eyes get wet,
When your drops pour on me as I sit
You are my beloved
I remember the day when someone shoved
And I found myself among the heavenly drops
Wow, the love at first sight after the meeting I never stop
You and I are loyal friends
We adore each other and never offend
You are my everlasting crave
In your company, I wish to make a long drive
You are the cause of happiness for all creatures,
You nourish the beauty of all nature
Since the night I waited for you as I
gaze at the sky,
I talked about you to a pretty tiny sparrow,
she smiled and replied
Oh, Divine lover
I don't fly high
But I have been told a secret by one who never lies
Your beloved is coming through the heavenly door
So there is no need to wait for more.

© Shahid Abbas Breathe deep of the wind
Blowing through the clear morning
Spying on my soul.

© Shahid Abbas **
soft petals closing
blue to violet twilight sky
time for evening prayer

© Shahid Abbas
breathe beauty's fragrance
it fills me - engulfs my soul
I awake to new lands

© Shahid Abbas **
Our Love binds us tight
I hide in my Mom's shadow
here I'm quiet - safe

© Shahid Abbas
Faithfully forever
Turning Turning - clay becomes pot
Love's action through water

© Shahid Abbas Bio:

SHAHID ABBAS is a multi-awarded International Author and Poet from Karapla, Tandlianwala Faisalabad, Pakistan. He is the author of "Words from Nature" and the co-author of "We Speak in Syllables". Shahid is currently working on a poetry collaboration book, "Verses of Meraki" to be published in the USA. His works were also featured in various international anthologies and diverse literary platforms both in print and online. Shahid's works have been translated into 10 different languages.

Shahid is also the newly appointed Director of Culture in Pakistan of the State of Birland and handles the promotion of literary and arts activities. He is also the newly-appointed Coordinator for The Dream of Equality Pakistan. Camara Internacional de Escritores and Artists (International Chamber of Writers and Artists) based in Spain appointed him as the President for the CIESART Headquarters in Pakistan as well as CIESART Ambassador for Pakistan. He is also Vice-President of (P. L. O. T. S) CREATIVES MAGAZINE, USA . He was also appointed an Ambassador for UMEA (Portugal) as well.

Shahid will be the Host of Haiku TV (USA) with Sir Michael Bee and he is a recipient of several international awards and recognitions, gracing a number of international literary festivals representing his country of Pakistan in promoting world peace and world literature, some of which are based in India, Portugal, Mexico City, USA, Columbia, among others. Shahid is one of the Amazon Bestselling Authors in several international anthologies, one of which is "Peace is Within Us", published by 'How to Write for Success' Literary Network , based in Trinidad and Tobago.

Shahid's book that is featured within the slideshow gallery below, "Words from Nature" was published in the USA by Cyber Clerical Associates, LLC. The poems included in his book express every aspect of life, nature and love, while there are several Haiku which represent the Divine's beauty. It is recommended by Shahid to all poetry and literature lovers to grab a copy of his book available on Amazon.

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