No matter, these liquid globes shine in shade
In seclusion, sow the gems in tattered lap
To tag that old, unaddressed, unfeathered cap
Well claimed by the ‘outsider’ , a native made
No matter, these liquid globes shine in shade
The rush knows not the age, wage, cage or raised clap
Life is, by all its means, a well-managed snap
With time and tide, a long narrative ill-paid
No matter, these liquid globes shine in shade
A sweet word is sour; a sword and a loose trap
To let the innocent dove ignore poor gap
For wanton boys, a sport; for the rest, a trade
No matter, these liquid globes shine in shade
Has anyone but consciously drawn a map?
Identifying a voiceless voice to scrape
An eternal line, and an ail to upgrade
No matter, these liquid globes shine in shade
Jammu/Kashmir, India
The full moon creeps from nowhere, oh my !
And peeps from the vast , pristine forest
Slowly rises up the flowing crest
Soft, rustling trees moving trees on high
The full moon creeps from nowhere , oh my !
Looking out my window as I rest
Watching the bright ,full moon at its best
Cuddling my pillow I can only sigh
The full moon creeps from nowhere ,oh my !
Surge of loneliness seem to protest
Your warm,tight embrace,still the sweetest ;
Gazing at the light hanging in the sky
The full moon creeps from nowhere ,oh my !
Crystal moon ,now, shines at its brightest
As it leaves the greeny, lush forest
Joy in my heart I almost cry
The full moon creeps from nowhere, oh my !
The silvery moonlight goes farthest
Over seas, plains,far and near islets
Lighting the ever blue, bluest sky
The full moon creeps from nowhere, oh my !
©️L. B. Morandarte
A Song for Ethos
Always soft and breezy,
The wind blows o’er my hair.
Golden birds sing an air,
and notes seem so weezy,
always soft and breezy.
The songs we never share
are those we never dare:
The notes are sleazy,
always soft and breezy.
Yet, we tend to forswear,
and sing out words to share:
Love ethos are easy,
always soft and breezy.
Hate drowns us in despair,
and shadowcasts much glare.
So, let’s be unsleazy,
always soft and breezy.
Walid Boureghda
© All Rights Reserved
The first time I fell under love's spell
Twinkling stars descended to my eyes
Each breath I took were joyous sighs
In wonderland I thought I'd dwell
The first time I fell under love's spell.
Everyday brings a pleasant surprise
My happiness I can't disguise
Akin to an oyster freed from my shell
The first time I fell under love's spell.
All moments seemed spent in paradise
The moon and the stars, my staunch allies
Filled with emotions nice and nobel
The first time I fell under love's spell.
My heart fluttered like butterflies
Birds sang lovesongs from the blue skies
Shy me transformed into a jolly belle
The first time I fell under love's spell.
Soon I found out love wasn't all highs
Behind the joys lurk some goodbyes
Those fragile bubbles burst in farewell
The first time I fell under love's spell.
©️Myrtle Eve Tejada
Love for life and life for love
Let's carol the time away
Every night and every day
Let's enjoy my sweetest dove
Love for life and life for love
Let's make each morn gay
Let's on fanciful horizons stray
Let's cherish my dearest dove
Love for life and life for love
My love abides farther away
I languish night and day
Although I pine but will prove
Love for life and life for love
I firmly believe that a day
In each other's arm we'll stay
Singing under fragrant grove
Love for life and life for love
©️Safdar Bhatti
All Rights Reserved
Yes, dry summer days are dry as dust
A loss. The crop is in shock
Innocent buds in despair, a wake-up knock
Unsettled, dying in rays, utterly unjust
Yes, dry summer days are dry as dust.
Unchecked aphids, cause harm, we often talk
An unkindness of ravens responds to the raven's squawk
A sticky substance - honeydew, turns into white rust
Yes, dry summer days are dry as dust.
A hope, swings in the doldrums, still an uneven clock
A poor farmer lives a life of toil, in return, some beanstalk
Fear of the old concern, alas, apple rust
Yes, dry summer days are dry as dust.
O youth, come together in a flock
For a global tide, come together, build a peaceful bloc
Plant a plant, a thousand times in pure trust
Yes, dry summer days are dry as dust.
©️Khursheed Ahmad Wani
Handwara, India
Sizzling aroma
The sweet smell of love is impassioned.
Hearty fragrance burning vigorously;
Bottled aromatic beats vociferously;
Animated with a spirit of melodramatic fashion
The sweet smell of love is impassioned.
The chord of the melody bent on being fanatical;
With the hidden tunes that make it enigmatical;
Desired words danced on my lips of compassion
The sweet smell of love is impassioned;
Let the ungovernable excitement bounce
Bonded with an elegance,without a flounce;
Consuming a passional sway of attraction
The sweet smell of love is impassioned.
Contented soul shaded the emotions feverishly,
Each tint of the feeling,mingling tirelessly;
A rainbow of intense curve positioned
The sweet smell of love is impassioned.
Steamy words had an ardent touch
Invading against the placid rush.
Again,a fervent paradise aroused interaction
When the sweet smell of love is impassioned!!!
©️Sonal Rao
echoes of death
echoes of death spoken in words
heavenly bodies drop in disgrace
incredulous clot relating bad taste
sought in gravity your orbit curves
drawn within by what I just heard
expressions lessen bleeding in space
emotional comets erased with haste
curtailing ember of inferno most lurid
echoes of death spoken in words
I love you once our hearts embraced
that future of diamond trust encased
now embalmed so wrongly interred
echoes of death spoken in words
I hate you pushed my pull to abate
a meteor burning my soul serrate
of every instinct I ever last learned
echoes of death spoken in words
whiskers of time shade my grave
reconciliations pronounced too late
forgiveness died as insult occurred
echoes of death spoken in words
dust to crust nailed alone in a crate
oh, eternal void of never escape!
drawn within by what I just heard
echoes of death spoken in words
©️Matt Elmore
I am sometimes sick
If I refuse to take pill
Or fall from top of hill
When beaten with a stick
I am sometimes sick
When I forget the will
Or I misuse my dill
When I fall in trick
I am sometimes sick
When taken to farm to till
Or told wait until
When somebody kicks
I am sometimes sick
When weather is not chill
Or losing a bill
When I can't my phone click
I am sometimes sick
When criminals kill
Or government means nill
When I end my wick
I am sometimes sick
© Abdulkadir M Ladan
A Modern Dansa
Let us dance, a fleeting dream.
Hearts aflame, a soulful scene
Your eyes, twin stars in velvet night
Ignite a passion, pure and bright
Nature's symphony, mighty serene
Hearts aflame, a soulful scene
Let us dance, a fleeting dream born
In this embrace, our souls are torn
With every step, whispers seen
Hearts aflame, a soulful scene
We twirl and sway, a graceful flight
Lost in moments, pure delight
Your laughter, etched to my soul, queen
Hearts aflame, a soulful scene
Dispelling doubt, and every fear
In this dance, we’re truly clingier
Bound by love, eternally threne
Hearts aflame, a soulful scene
Let us dance, a fleeting dream
Sunlight filters through the beams
A moment frozen in time's schene
Heart aflame, a soulful scene.
© Sheila Ann.
Wow the essence of life has no barriers, it transcends all season made by man and the Universal Cycles of moments yesterday tomorrow as tomorrow yesterday the reality of the no w . Embracing the past present and future in a geometry not of arithmatic and an ever extending flux of natural bonding. There is a time to sow and a time to reap a season not made of man's tree of knowledge a sacrilege from sin of that allergoric eating of the apple. That serpent of reptilian brain comp lex that only see the 4 F's primordial instincts of Flee Fight Food and Reproduce not waiting for the season of Self maturity. A curse upon man to degenerate an…