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Some "Notes" and Other Poems

Updated: Dec 14, 2022


Some "NOTES"

Unbiased innocently, took me by hand softly like Zephyr caressing the Sleeping leaves down into the memory lane where each grip was slippery holding was a struggle tougher I got tossed against drenched aura I once had been there! Long ago... when we knew each other by dictum of Brotherhood peace, joy and reconciliation!

Where "NOTES" sweeter would lull us...! Into those crevices, I tried to stay Hey...It was all a moment...! Created by Angels Human through their 'notes' inviting and pulling...!!! Such a pull! An array of liquidity commanded by Emotions Sanguine made their way into the being only to be rubbed off by hands confusing I wonder... if memories make me !!! © Raies Ahmad


Yes, but the ashes remain... A melancholic display insane The burns are live though Agony utters the diction so And early winter afforded end To all gifts that does Spring send My numbness knocks naked now The universe stands but the love? I gifted thee my springs all And harkened each beat and call Followed trails with tiresome ease Sang of crickets, sang of bees Did I fail a leaf to hold In a fistful human mold? What I gather now, a collective gain FATHOMLESS BLUESOME BLISTERING PAIN

© Raies Ahmad


Open up my dangles, break my binds In utter dark this soul itself finds. Smooth my rough away, guide me through, Lead me to that sense, where I human service do. Enlighten my soul with bountiful grace, Winds, storms, tempests, I alone cannot face. Bless me always with presence feel, Cobwebs worldly come difficult to deal. Bless, Yes bless my thirsty soul, Accept my pleadings, do listen to my call. (Do...)

© Raies Ahmad


Anything if they say; I'm short of everything... Short of Expressions Ex Pre Sessions!!! How would I express In Words more or silence less Or in Wavy Scribbles Falls or dribbles Or in lines Straight Four six or eight? Or Take this activity inward like folded wings of a bird and taking every thought into the Realms of Nought and measure the immeasurable with lengths available... Available? Are they? Hey! wait a second... I'm not telling you anything. I don't have words, phrases or diction... Then... Anything can be a trajectory Rough and it is not a pun or bluff Let anything shut Nothing Let Nothing be Anything Let "Anything" be Veiled In an envelope mailed ! Let everyone uncover Second, minute and an hour Let everyone behold what the eyes could hold and heart can purchase what with love was sold... ANYTHING! © Raies Ahmad

Raies Ahmad, from the vale of paradise called Kashmir, opened up his eyes in the kerewas of Khrew where dewy mornings sing to Dew falling evenings, where the first rays of the sun do not miss kissing the dewy pearls and misty presence offering a secure refuge and where mysticism binds souls. At present, the poet sketches his inklings in Kashmiri, Urdu and English.

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