in the mornings wonder In love's wilderness we are born to our innate paths. Most hopefully lost in Mother Nature's serenity. © Toby Bills
I saw the stars and remembered you, All those sweet late nights we hung on the blue. I saw the stars then I felt the pain. 'Cause you're now with them...only I remain. © Ralphie Steven Dolog
On my barren mind You sowed the hopeful seed And nurtured it with assuring manure It grew into promising tree Bearing optimistic fruits !! © Subhashchandra Adhav India
"Rain My Dear"
Why so many questions about the rain? It is late this year It is weak this year Oh my dear! come to the open field dance with its sweet drops enjoy the monsoon cool breeze Forget all pains of summer forget all dryness from heart Let's love the beauty of nature No question about the rain. © Manoj Kumar Satapathy India
CINQUAIN (1-2-3-4-1)
Pen mighty, potent satiated, quenching, arousing always helps me reveal painkiller © Mohammed Hamim Myanmar
"Beyond The After"
When I am gone away beyond the after Remember the days we had a good laughter When you can hardly recall my face Find in your heart a special place A dwelling for my name and the memories Of all the joys, sorrows, failures and victories. When I am long gone and forgotten Reminisce the old days and time golden When you are lost in the mystery of life, death and wonder Find me in these verses between the pages and ponder When I am gone away beyond the after Seek for light in my thoughts and be filled with rapture. © JahArt Kushite Western Cape, South Africa