Written by Krishna Chamling
The heraldry of arresting spring - January experiencing agonies of Coups, fault line wars...and brutalities of powers, mourns turtle doves Desperately coo from the bare trees weeps wintry January trickling Germinates life and love to celebrate ecstasies in its endless journey Of time altering in months, it has arrived bringing new hope with verve Of Spirit everywhere providing fortitude in every being, are beauties In its jaunting journey often with heavy, white gold flecks of snowfalls, Blizzards and the hoarfrosts in the dry country tracks in spiking casts Of ice-structures under the feet, melting it gleams dewdrops pearls on The blades in the landscapes, and the mountains capes thawing flows Into the lakes veiled with icy-slate-screen of freezing cold, but the petrichor January jostling chirps tits in the paltry sunlight from the dull, damp bush.
