This is a "special mention" to poet, Prasanna Bhatta, for writing a most eloquent and profoundly beautiful poem of Humanity, on December 10th, 2021, and shared with our ILA Group. We couldn't pass up this deeply moving poem as it truly deserves accolades of recognition.
A little dry rice To flood effected person. A glass of water To a bitter sun-stricken man. A small warm cloth, To a chilly, smitten man. A word of solace, To the deserted and frustrated. A little time at grandparents To enrich your brain. A small gift to near and dear To make nearer and dearer. A small red rose to a lover To please her anger. A small kiss on lover's cheek To capture a great pick. A small comment, To poet's ink. A short standing aviation
To the singer's song. A small buss to children To their success. A small hug from mother To a daughter on affection. A little time of prayer To praise God's creation A small word: * Have a good day* * Thank you* To greet the **known or unknown** Shows greatest results and Reaction. It is called Humanely Humane Human. © Prasanna Bhatta