Feature "Editor's Choice" for February 2025

Run your words through a filter of compassion, before letting them charge out, unattended, through the portals of your changing moods... Hurtful words can cause permanent scars... Once spoken, they cannot be taken back, despite the regrets, apologies and making amends... Before you speak, put your feet in the others' shoes... Ask yourself:
Are they necessary?
Do they have
a redeeming value?
What would be
the backwash?
Words that
promote evil, engender discord, deepen the wounds, kill the joy, and place
one-sided enjoyment over love, are better left unsaid...
According to an old Arabian proverb, "Your tongue is your horse,
if you respect it,
it will respect you;
if you humiliate it,
it will humiliate you..."
© Nasser Goudarzi