Featured Editor's Choice for February 2025

I chewed the fat with a farmer the other day
At a tiny roadside market around the way
Torrents of tomatoes attracted my eye
Dreams of salads I just couldn't pass by
Carrots and cucumbers, look at that corn!
Peaches and cream kernels, sweetly adorned
Asparagus, broccoli, plenty of greens
More find fruit on a table than I'd ever seen
While there in the sun, that old boy sat
Bib overalls and holy straw hat
No stranger to rays, or bright sunny skies
A man of the soul, with dark, earthy eyes
Hadn't sold much, though his prices were low
Much lower than there at the corporate store
Where fruit and veggies came off a truck
From miles away, most tasting like yuck
Chemically treated and flavored so bland
Treated when needed, then set on a stand
I pulled a bagful of his toil made healthy
His thankful smile more happy than wealthy
That shy shaman farmer said it quite best
"Shop local son, if you want good and fresh!"
© Matt Elmore U.S.