Featured Editor's Choice for February 2025

If life is on a silver spoon, I didn't eat it. It's not what I needed. I wouldn't be me if I hadn't gone hungry to rise from depleted and nearly deleted. I've been rendered conceded.
If life is on a silver spoon, give it to someone who's not what I come from. Give it to someone who isn't as stubborn - someone more humble, less hasty than I was with Spirit less undone.
If life is on a silver spoon, take it from hands who come here with demands.
Strip it from those who strip life from our lands. We must take a stand - A line in the sand, heart to heart, hand in hand.
If life is on a silver spoon, look to Saint Peter.
Ask him where God is found.
I'm here to meet Her. Look to his keys, then the trees for the meanings of Willow and Cedar. Maybe, sit with Demeter.
If life is on a silver spoon,
lessons are often left squandered,
and history repeats the expired
and the rotten.
Go for the Gold.
It's within -
can't be boughten.
Her legal name is Jessica, but mostly everyone knows her as "Sunny." She is an energy healer, specializing in rebalancing the chakras and releasing deep wounding from the body's electromagnetic field, and she is a published poet.
Healing has been her devotional life's work. Having now risen from a few nearly fatal experiences, she has been immersively self-healing and studying healing of the mind, body, electromagnetic field and spirit for the last seventeen years, utilizing many different holistic modalities along the way in recovery.
Jessica loves sharing knowledge with guide, motivation, inspiration, serving those moving to empower themselves and accelerate their healing journeys.
Jessica is also passionate about sharing love, healing, awareness, esoteric wisdom, and encouragement for spiritual growth through poetry. She currently has two published poetry books available for international sale at this time, and a third on its way.