About the Author's Book:
'Abstract Visions of Light' was released on August 1, 2018, through Alien Buddha Press. It was Outlar's second title with ABP and his fifth collection of poetry. The book features a cover painted by Red Rocks, and also includes a series of his black-and-white photography taken while traveling through Slab City, California. The poems themselves speak to Outlar's own personal journey, reflecting on life, death, love, sex, spirituality, nature, time, art, consciousness, and the constant search for creative expression. An Italian version of the book's opening poem, 'Transcending Definitions', as recited by Mihaela Melnic can be listened to, on YouTube.com
Copies of 'Abstract Visions of Light' can be found on Amazon at:
Transcending Definitions
Art is not an institution...
It is an inner fire Born out of those Whose eyes pierce deeply Into hidden burning beauty. Art is not a class taught by Academia... It is a holy vibration Pulsing through the veins Of those who sense the truth Of this world's perfect purity. Art is not a transaction... It is a soulful expression That has no choice But to be released As a reflection of the Source. Art is not a sales pitch... It is an intense emotion Coupled with a vision Of crystalline transcendence That ruptures open new dimensions. Art is not yet ready for the grave... It is a raging protest Against the mortal flesh That sings the sweetest melody About overcoming life's suffering. © Scott Thomas Outlar

About the Author:
Scott Thomas Outlar lives and writes in the suburbs outside of Atlanta, Georgia. His work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net.
He guest-edited the 2019 and 2020 Western Voices Editions of Setu Mag.
Selections of his poetry have been translated into Afrikaans, Albanian, Bengali, Dutch, French, Italian, Kurdish, Persian, Serbian and Spanish. His podcast,
'Songs of Selah', airs weekly on 17NumaRadio and features interviews with
contemporary poets, artists, musicians, and health advocates. More about Scott's work can be found at: 17Numa.com