"Lend a Helping Hand"
It is never a glory When you live life for yourself You're a waster and a disgrace It is worthless to be consumed with self When you can offer a helping hand. I look at the man teaching the children He then shows them the goods in store. "What do you think I'll do with them?" he asks. No answers, so he continues. These are for the brethren who can't afford them. They desire a little fraction of what we have. There is more joy in given than withholding. Always look for the opportunity to help someone. Be it in large quantity or in smaller units. Remember kids living for others is the best way. Moreover, life is all about others. He looked up and saw me standing with rapt attention. Will you join us young man and I shouted yes!
© John Kwame Kakraba Hayford
It is insignificant and meaningless to be a waste of oneself, when a person can sacrifice their hand by contributing to the good of others, this is what John Kwame Kakraba Hayford writes by selflessly giving, assisting in times of need, just as the man who teaches the children, he instructs at an early age, the values of giving to people less fortunate or simply just giving to people from all walks of life.
John is a kind soul, who writes with fervent tenderness from a pure heart. He states that when a selfish person places him/herself before others, it's never a good life to live because people who are selfish are too self-absorbed and arrogant, most times, placing themselves as superior before all others and as John states, disrespectful profligates.
John's poem relates to 2 texts of speech I found, quoting Aesop first, "No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted", and Seneca's quote: "Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness."
John expresses in his poem, kindness is the embodiment of commitment, of respect and responsibility, of empathy and compassion, of always looking ahead to help someone or many, whether it be a small or big act of giving; He reminds us to always go that extra mile, to lend not just a helping hand, but to always be nice and simply be loving, because living for people, gives the one who honors, a sense of true meaning and purpose, creating special bonds and connections with others less fortunate, people who may have pangs of reduced feelings in depression or isolation.
In conclusion of John's poem, with a loving and altruistic heart, he makes aware, life is about all others, the giving of oneself, selflessly and unconditionally, and in closing of his verse, the teacher looks up to see John standing, listening with eager enthusiasm, fascinated by what he has just listened and observed, even more excited, just knowing John fits perfectly, for the acts of kindness he so generously gives from his heart.
© Reviewed by Annette Nasser EIC/ILA Magazine
